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Kapoor Galleries


Time is a Construct

March 14 – 22, 2024
Asia Week Hours: Mar 14-22, 11am-5pm (otherwise by appointment)
Opening Reception: Wednes
day, March 13, 6-8 pm

Art serves as a compass for our conscience, guiding us across the vast dimensions of time and space. More than a visual representation, art embodies the very essence of culture, punctuating the canvas of existence with strokes of meaning.

This exhibition serves as a pivotal moment in contemporary times, prompting a reevaluation of the relationship between art, culture, and their collective influence across time and space. The examination of Indian miniature paintings is a focal point of this introspection; the deliberate repetition of characters and spatial elements over centuries emerge as a nuanced artistic strategy. This repetition is hardly monotonous. Instead, the repetition reveals a profound symbolic depth in the continuity of timeless themes.

Art doesn’t merely depict the passage of time; it assumes the role of a conductor, steering the passage of time itself. Across diverse cultures, every artistic stroke, form, and creation contributes to a narrative that resonates across epochs. In immersive encounters with art the boundaries of time blur, leaving us suspended in the timelessness of artistic expression and human imagination.

Highlights of the exhibition include a finely rendered painting from the Bharany Ramayana series, a pair of carved and silvered horses, and a splendid folio from the Gita Govinda. The gallery exhibition will also showcase many fine Indian miniature paintings and arms as well as a carefully curated selection of sculptures from India, Nepal, and Tibet. The New York exhibition will be open to the public from the 14th of March through the 22nd. We look forward to sharing this fine assembly of artworks with you!

View our latest online catalog here.

Latest Collection and Virtual Exhibitions

View our latest collection of ancient and classical fine arts of India and the Himalayas through our online catalogs and virtual exhibitions. We offer an abundant array of fine paintings, sculptures, and works of art that can be perused in an online gallery.

In addition to the recent exhibition Religious Art: Exaltation through Expression, other notable presentations include Divine Gestures: Channels of Enlightenment, Dhanvantari’s Blessing, Incarnations of Devotion: South Asian Works of Art, Incarnations of Devotion: Tibetan and Buddhist Paintings and Bronzes, and God/Goddess, to name a few.

To learn more about our collection, have a look at our virtual catalog and for more information about our exhibitions click here.