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Kaikodo LLC


Autumn’s Accessories

Live online: September 10, 2024

Our Fall exhibition, Autumn’s Accessories, focuses on a selection of Chinese ceramics along with Chinese and Japanese paintings. Included among the former is a massive spouted early celadon jar representing the dominance of Yue wares in the south during the Six Dynasties period and at the far end of the spectrum, produced a millennium later, a late Ming-dynasty underglaze-blue decorated dish created by Chinese potters for Japanese clients who would have greatly appreciated the novel “half” zone composition. Among the paintings is a robust yet harmonious image of pine and blossoming plum by the 17th-century Chinese painter Xu You, while a wistful 18th-century Japanese beauty eyeing her playful cat strikes one as a most timely addition to this Autumn roster.

These categories are but a few of the numerous areas in Asian art in which we have been immersed well before 1996 when we established our New York gallery and launched our Kaikodo Journal. The journal has been available exclusively online since 2016 and since moving all operations to Hawai’i in 2020, it has been the primary venue for disseminating our research and the exclusive forum for our sales exhibitions. Please visit us there for our current show, Autumn’s Accessories, onward from September 10.


Summer Gallery Highlights

We welcome you to view our current gallery highlights on our site. Each viewing room is dedicated to a specific category, allowing the visitor easy and direct access to areas of special interest. These selections are periodically updated.

Please select a category by clicking on its image and if you would like further information or prices, or are looking for something specific, please contact us.

Click here to view them all.


Kaikodo Journal

Also view the latest and past issues of our publications on our website. Highlighting not only the works of art in our exhibitions, Kaikodo Journal is a venue for scholars, such as museum curators, professors, critics and students, for publishing their current work.

To view them all, click here,



A Discovery of Dragons

Online Exhibition
March 14 – April 18, 2024

A Discovery of Dragons is just that! After finding an extremely rare two-dragon decorated Tang mirror late last year, we were encouraged to honor the Year of the Dragon with an exhibition featuring dragons. As we were continuing to acquire and select works for the show, we found dragons lurking everywhere, as if waiting for the perfect time to show themselves.

Among our finds: a Ryukyuan lacquer stand with mother-of-pearl dragon laying claim to the tabletop (no. 16), a white stoneware Vietnamese bowl with molded dragons like ghosts beneath a luminescent glaze (no. 12), and a massive late-Ming Chaozhou dish where the lizard-like zhi dragons slither in white slip across its deep brown glaze (no. 14). A dragon and tiger, symbols of east and west, are the subjects of a pair of paintings by a Goseon-period painter, an idiosyncratic representation of a subject of great moment during the Song and Yuan period in China. Joining the discovery of dragons are further acquisitions from our current Asian forays, including a Goryeo celadon bowl with a molded design of three lively boys unleashed in a world of lotus (no. 13) and an extremely rare Shonzui bottle in the shape of an ancient jade cong, decorated with a version of the mystical trigrams (or bagua “eight symbols”) (no. 15).

Two individuals deserve special recognition and gratitude in bringing this exhibition to fruition. We would like to offer our deepest thanks to Hiroshi Kawasaki in Osaka who transcribed and did initial translations of all the inscriptions and seals on the paintings as well as the painting and object boxes whenever inscriptions occurred. This time around we have included as much of his work as possible in the details that follow the captions. This was made possible through our assistant, Robert Lyman, who is responsible for all manner of things relating not only to the Onomea Bay premises but to all things Kaikodo, and importantly in this respect, photography. All the photography was done by Robert. The only exceptions are several of the main images [nos. 4, 10, 11, 12, 14, 17, 20, 22] which were taken by John Bigelow Taylor and Dianne Dubler. Robert was also responsible for formatting and uploading the exhibition on our website, a task of great moment which he handled effortlessly.

To learn more and view works, click here.